Teeth-in-a-day is a term used for treatment involving dental implants where you remove bad teeth and receive some sort of fixed prosthesis on the same day. Teeth-on-a-day is often times a reference to all-on-four treatment. It can also apply to cases where you replace several teeth with a dental implant and crown in a single day. The idea of receiving all of your teeth in a day sounds very appealing. However, there's a lot more to teeth-in-a-day.  Very few dental offices offer this treatment. At the same time, very few cases qualify for teeth-in-a-day. Still, let's go ahead and take a closer look at what teeth-in-a-day is all about:


With teeth-in-a-day, you receive your implant posts and a fixed prosthesis in one day

Am I a candidate for teeth-in-a-day treatment?

There are a few obstacles to receiving teeth-in-a-day. First, whether or not you are a candidate for teeth-in-a-day treatment. Second, finding a dental clinic that offers this treatment. Lastly, affording the treatment, which is usually more expensive than standard implant treatment. Let's preview some of the more common scenarios that qualify for teeth-in-a-day treatment:


When you receive the dental implant fixture, abutment, and crown on the same day, this also qualifies as teeth-in-a-day

All-on-Four Teeth

  • teeth-in-a-day-before
    Patient required the removal of all his teeth due to extensive cavities and gum disease.

The most common application of teeth-in-a-day is for all-on-four dental implants. This is where you replace all of your teeth using a minimum of four dental implants per arch. You may qualify for teeth-in-a-day treatment if you have no teeth in your mouth and your jawbone is strong enough to support the implant posts. If you have teeth that need to be removed, you are far less likely to qualify for the expedited teeth-in-a-day treatment. Keep in mind, teeth-in-a-day teeth are often times temporary. It usually takes a few additional months to make the actual permanent teeth.

Replacing Anterior Teeth

  • tooth-in-a-day-broken-front-tooth
    Patient presented with fractured front tooth. There was not enough tooth structure to save the tooth and tooth in a day was recommended.

Not all teeth-in-a-day cases require the replacement of all of your teeth. Sometimes there is a way to replace one or more broken or missing teeth in a single day. This is particularly a useful option for replacing the front teeth. After all, no one wants to walk around with their front tooth missing for half a year! Plus, the front teeth are better candidates for teeth-in-a-day treatment as compared to the back teeth. This is because the front teeth deal with far less bite pressure. It's usually not a good idea to load an implant in the back right away as it can fail or lose jaw bone. On the other hand, the front teeth can handle being loaded right.

Teeth-in-day can replace both missing teeth as well as broken teeth in the front region. There is a technique known as immediate implant placement, where your dentist removes the bad tooth and inserts the implant post right away. Afterward, your dentist adds a temporary abutment and temporary crown on top of the implant post. This gives a whole tooth in a single day. Imagine walking to the dentist with a broken tooth and walking out on the same day with a temporary crown that's fixed in place! Again, only a few cases actually qualify for this treatment. There are very strict guidelines for which cases qualify. The vast majority of patients have to go through the standard process of spending a few months to receive their teeth.

What are the advantages of teeth-in-a-day?

While obvious, here are the main benefits of teeth-in-a-day treatment over traditional implant treatment:

Same Day Results

Traditional implant therapy takes months, sometimes years, to complete treatment. On the other hand, teeth-in-a-day offers you fixed teeth in just one day. Keep in mind that the teeth are usually temporary and they need to be replaced with permanent ones in the near future. Nevertheless, you get to walk out of your dental appointment with teeth that are locked in your mouth on the same day as your surgery.

Fewer Appointments

Only the most skilled implant dentists offer teeth-in-a-day treatment. These dentists have typically been performing implant treatment for years and they are capable of getting a lot of work done in a little amount of time. As a result, you are likely to require fewer appointments to finish your implant work. Fewer appointments also translate into less pain, less discomfort, and less having to walk around with no teeth in your mouth!


Teeth-in-a-day requires fewer appointments than traditional implant therapy

Things to consider before receiving teeth-in-a-day treatment

Teeth-in-a-day treatment is not for everyone. There are plenty of things to take into consideration before you seek out treatment. You must do lots of research before you start your teeth-in-a-day journey. Here's a list of things to consider when preparing for teeth-in-a-day treatment:

Find an Exceptional Dental Implant Specialist

The first step to receiving treatment is to find a qualified implant specialist who offers teeth-in-a-day treatment. This can actually be the biggest challenge that most patients face. Due to the complexity of treatment, very few dentists actually offer teeth-in-a-day. Do some research, talk to your friends and family, and see if you can find a reliable and experienced implant specialist to handle your case. If you can, schedule an implant consultation to get to know the dentist better and to learn if you're a candidate. If not, then simply look for an implant specialist who can handle your case. During the consultation, ask your dentist if they feel that you are a candidate for teeth-in-a-day treatment. An experienced implant specialist will be able to answer your question and guide you in the right direction.


You must find an exceptional implant dentist to receive teeth-in-a-day treatment

Prepare Your Finances

Teeth-in-a-day treatment is quite expensive. Luckily, most implant dentists who offer this treatment also offer some sort of monthly financing option. Talk to your dentist to see if you can finance your teeth-in-a-day treatment. Be sure that you have good enough credit to qualify for financing. Otherwise, you will have to find a co-signer to help you obtain financing. Regardless, your dentist will expect full payment when they start the work. After all, if you're getting your teeth in one day, it's only fair that your dentist gets paid in one day as well!

Modify Your Lifestyle

There are very strict instructions that you must follow after teeth-in-a-day surgery. For example, you must stick to a soft diet for several weeks, sometimes even months. You can not chew on hard objects like bread, fruits, raw vegetable, etc. You should avoid using an electric toothbrush and Waterpik. Most importantly, smoking cigarettes and the use of tobacco products, including vaping, is strictly prohibited. In fact, heavy smokers are typically NOT a candidate for teeth-in-a-day treatment. Unless they quit smoking for a few months prior to their treatment. If you fail to follow these instructions, your dental implants will fail. Should this happen, your treatment now takes years to complete! So if you have trouble following instructions then you're better off going with traditional implant treatment route instead of teeth-in-a-day!


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